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The (Not So) Secret to Weight Management

So, here we are again about to enter another new year. With that, every year people make resolutions to change this, that, or the other. Many will use this as an opportunity to start fresh on some weight loss program, exercise program, or combination of the two. The problem is that for most, sticking with either or both of these regiments is understandably difficult with the pace of life we live without the proper motivation or support.

One of the most important things to do when setting up a plan or program to follow is to set goals. Setting goals is almost as important as achieving them because they are your GPS. They are not only where you want to end up, but also the map of how you are going to get there. If you’re worried about making goals, start simple. Do a little research.

For example, when I want to replace a part on my car, I do research on a lot of different things. How much is it going to cost to fix? How difficult is the repair going to be for my level of competence? Do I have the right tools to get the job done? How long will it take? (I usually have to add time on to the last estimate of how long it will take, especially if it’s the first time doing something.) Do I have to consult anyone about what I am attempting to do? Is this even something I care to do? Once I feel comfortable with these questions being answered, then I move onto planning how to get things fixed.

So it is with setting goals. Make these very specific and realistic because this will force you to be honest and come to a definitive decision going forward. What do you want to accomplish? What time frame are you giving yourself or someone else to achieve these goals? Are they realistic? What tools or equipment are you going to need to meet those needs? How long do the experts say my goal should take to achieve? Where do I stand up in comparison to the average person? Am I a go getter or do I need extra support? Who will help me in my pursuits of these goals? Lastly, and most importantly, do I really care to achieve these goals or is this a thought in passing? Also realize that these goals will change over time as you refine them and see how your body reacts to whatever course of action you choose.

These are serious questions you should ask yourself before getting a lot of time, effort and money sunk into something you find out later you really don’t care that much about. This is also the step most people get stuck on and sadly never progress any further with getting healthier or making necessary lifestyle changes. Don’t get discouraged here because you’re very close to making a real and meaningful change. Don’t get bogged down with the thought of, “Where/How do I get started?” and, “This is going to be too hard.” Just start. Your future self will thank you for doing so today.

On the exercise program side of things, once you have the goals set and something realistic picked out, start off slow. A common mistake people make, including me, is going all in way too soon. Mentally you should be all in at this point, but not physically yet. Your body has to catch up to the mind. Also, you don’t want to go too hard here because you will burn yourself out. Work your way up and see how you feel after a workout or two. If you feel like you can do more, then listen to your body and do more. Over time, you may find yourself doing things you never thought you would or could.

On the diet side of things, pick a diet that works for you. And no, a seafood diet won’t work here. You should be selective with what you eat. Pick things that are nutrient dense for a meal like vegetables, meats in limited quantities and some grains as you can tolerate them. Of course, these should be non-GMO and organic if possible. If your wallet won’t allow a complete switch over, then pick several items you can afford and do your best. Anything is better than nothing. Over time, as with the exercise program, you will see that eating organically is not as draining on the budget as you may have thought at first.

This is for several reasons. Eating organic food is naturally filling and nutrient dense. These are filled with complex carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, proteins and other phytonutrients that your body will thank you for. Recovery from those workouts will come much faster and more completely eating healthy. You will find the desire to eat more just for the sake of more waning and a desire to eat healthier actually increasing. This will make losing those initial pounds much easier as well. This is the place to keep that resolve strong because the temptations are going to come fast and hard.

After losing those initial pounds, the tendency is to “cheat” a little. This means indulging in something that was not a part of the original goal setting. You can indulge, but it should be limited and still healthy. So, this means have some fruit which contains natural sugars or some organic peanut butter that contains the protein that will get you through those initially tough trials. Keep this up for 21 days and you just established a habit, so they say. Habits are good because they lead to lifestyles, which is ultimately where you want to end up.

Keep in mind the goal should not be short term. It’s a lifelong journey. It ends with your last breath after a long and healthy life which will be spent in the freedom and comfort of your own home with friends and family surrounding you. (Insert whatever happy ending you wish here.) The point is life should be enjoyed and lived to the fullest. It can’t be lived this way if you find yourself sick and feeling rundown all the time.

I started Arukah Market because I saw the effects of a lifetime, sometimes surprisingly short, of people in the nursing home I worked at who had missed so much and were trapped, feeling helpless and alone. No one plans on living their last days that way, but so many actually do. I had to do something to help prevent people from coming to that point where they lost the will to live because they felt so alone and unloved. I truly feel diet and exercise can do just that as well. You are what you eat is the common saying. Well…it’s true. You put junk in, you’ll get junk out. You reap what you sow. Now go and start living that healthy life you’ve always dreamed, one adventure and one goal at a time.

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